
ARSAconsult provides services both to individuals and Organizations on different levels and of different lengths depending upon the needs of the client. After a thorough analysis of the situation it is decided in collaboration with the client(s) what interventions are needed and for how long. Throughout the whole process the client is consulted at all stages to ensure the transparency and mutual understanding of the process.

The goal of all interventions, individual as well as team, is to make the decision-making process as effective as possible. This is what decides the quality of our lives because, as Albert Camus maintains, “Our life is the sum of our choices”. So, when we become empowered to make wise choices, the quality of our lives automatically improves!

Individual Interventions:

  • Coaching Sessions
    • Individual coaching sessions are offered in a series of 6-10 sessions. Sessions are arranged once a week so the whole process takes 6-10 weeks. The purpose of the coaching sessions is to provide development on a personal level that eventually have a huge impact on professional performance.
  • Personal consultation
    • Personal consultations are designed around addressing personal issues and challenges that the client might be battling with. These consultations are also offered in a series of 6-12 consultations, once a week.

Team interventions:

  • The Leadership Development and Coaching program
    • This solid developmental program is a combination of 12 large group workshops and 12 individual coaching sessions once (or twice) a month. This program is specifically designed to fulfill the needs of the client organization. I have developed this program around three effective tools used in management consulting and these tools are Emotional intelligence, Positive psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. For more information you are most welcome to contact me.
    • Any organization can choose between the large group workshops, coaching sessions or a combination of both. A combination of both these parallel interventions is proven to be most effective in bringing behavioral change that ensures increase in productivity and organizational effectiveness.
  • Team building program
    • This effective program consists of a series of 4 full day workshops. The workshops are designed around specific topics that are identified in collaboration with the client organization.
  • Team engagement program
    • This program is tailor-made to enhance a team’s engagement targeting the specific areas that are identified through thorough research. The intervention is designed after getting a consent from the client organization/team to ensure a wholehearted participation. Number of workshops depends on the needs of the specific organization.
  • Single team development workshops
    • Single developmental workshops are designed to understand and practice specific tools. These tools can be for example; conflict management, effective communication, effective decision-making, storytelling, goal setting etc.

For further details you are welcome to contact me on the provided email addresses or telephone number!